Success rate under this approach 20% for small business in the retail industry in the US
Borrower’s asset has no history and is not able to provide a qualified audit for the Bank
The Bank doesn’t have resources for an individual approach to each small business borrower
It is difficult for the Bank to refinance a loan, loans remain on the balance sheet. Bank must hold increased reserves for such loans. Burden on Bank’s capital increases. Issuance of such loans is to risky and Banks usually declines these loan applications
It unlocks liquidity and financing leverage of your assets
You applied to the Bank and were rejected for one of the reasons above
You contacted one of the BANKEX licensed partners and they prequalify your asset
If the asset belows to one of the security token framework, then the continuous securitization starts under the corresponding framework
The loan is issued
Probability of getting a loan is higher if you contact BANKEX partners because of Security Token Framework
The Security Token Framework makes this asset standardized and subject to refinancing for our partners. The Security Token Framework uses continuous audit technologies, such as IoT solutions, which track the status of an asset, and thus make the asset more transparent and secure for the investor. As a result the value of good-quality assets increases
The presence of similar assets in the pool diversifies and reduce the investor’s risk
The information contained in this website and any files is for informational purposes only, and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security in any jurisdiction where such an offer or solicitation would be in violation of any local laws